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悉尼水上飛機和水上飛機(香港)航空簽署合作備忘錄 Seaplane HK and Sydney Seaplanes signed a memorandum of understanding

Writer: Press OfficePress Office

Updated: Mar 31, 2022

Seaplane Hong Kong announced on April 13, 2021, that it has officially signed a memorandum of understanding with Sydney Seaplanes, based in historic Rose Bay on Sydney Harbour, Australia. Sydney Seaplanes was founded in 2005 with a single plane. After 15 years of continuous operation, Sydney Seaplanes is one of Australia’s most recognisable aviation tourism and leisure experiences and is undoubtedly an iconic part of the world-famous Sydney Harbour.

Given Sydney Seaplanes’ expertise and experiences in creating and delivering world-class seaplane tourism and transport services, Seaplane Hong Kong has entered into strategic cooperation with Sydney Seaplanes. The cooperation agreement was signed by the management personnel of Seaplane Hong Kong and Sydney Seaplanes, marking the official start of the strategic cooperation between the companies and the further expansion of Seaplane Hong Kong.

Pursuant to the parties’ cooperation agreement, Sydney Seaplanes will provide consulting services and assistance to Seaplane Hong Kong to help Seaplane Hong Kong to establish seaplane operations in South East Asia. With Sydney Seaplanes’ expertise and experiences, Seaplane Hong Kong will be able to provide reliable and top quality services from the start. With the commencement of seaplane operations in South East Asia by Seaplane Hong Kong, the global seaplane industry has quickly expanded.

In light of the introduction of seaplane operations in various regions by Seaplane Hong Kong, Seaplane Hong Kong and Sydney Seaplanes intend to jointly establish a global seaplane alliance to facilitate stronger cooperation and joint action among the seaplane operators around the globe. To increase each other’s sales performance, Seaplane Hong Kong and Sydney Seaplanes have also agreed to engage in joint marketing and other market initiatives to promote each other’s businesses with an aim to expand user coverage and increase market penetration.

Seaplane Hong Kong’s Chief Executive Officer STEVEN CHEUNG is very excited about the strategic cooperation between Seaplane Hong Kong and Sydney Seaplanes: “Sydney Seaplanes is one of the most prestigious and renowned seaplane operators in the industry. Our strategic cooperation will be a valuable addition to Seaplane Hong Kong. With Sydney Seaplanes’ expertise and insights, we believe that Seaplane Hong Kong can quickly replicate the operation model and can establish a successful seaplane operation even at those places that do not already have an existing market, for example, Hong Kong and the Greater Bay Area. Furthermore, the formation of a global seaplane alliance will be an important milestone for the industry; the global operators will have a platform to provide mutual assistance and we may set an industry standard that will ultimately benefit the consumers. We are very excited and honoured to play a role in the overall development of the General Aviation industry.”

Aaron Shaw, the director of Sydney Seaplanes, added that the partnership and collaboration with Seaplane Hong Kong is an exciting development for both companies. "The Chinese market has huge potential. We are pleased to assist Seaplane Hong Kong with its rapid expansion plans across South East Asia, an area of the world we know well. We wish to extend and share Sydney Seaplanes’ industry-leading services and facilities by providing the same outstanding flying experience to our partners across Asia. We are also pleased that Steven shares our passion and commitment to develop and implement new technologies such as introducing electric engines onto our aircraft. Nil emission aviation services connecting city centres, such that electric seaplanes can offer, is a vision we share and are totally committed to delivering in our respective markets”.

As an airline with the world's first drone route and the first seaplane in Hong Kong, Seaplane Hong Kong is committed to providing a unique flight experience to the growing number of passengers in the world and the Greater Bay Area. Its unique aircraft types and facilities highlight Seaplane Hong Kong’s unremitting pursuit of redefining the travel experience and focusing on innovation.


水上飛機(香港)航空於2021年4月13日宣布,已與澳洲最大的水上飛機運營商悉尼水上飛機公司正式簽署了合作備忘錄。 水上飛機是澳大利亞最知名的航空旅遊和休閒體驗之一,無疑是舉世聞名的悉尼海港的標誌性部分。悉尼水上飛機公司成立於2005年,當時只有一架飛機。 經過15年的運營,悉尼水上飛機已成為澳洲最大的水上飛機運營商,現在每年為27,000多名乘客提供服務。

水上飛機香港航空公司是一家初創公司,提供空中觀光,下一代綠色可持續交通解決方案,房地產和基礎設施開發。 我們將引入顛覆性的環保技術,例如零排放的城市空氣流動性和電動水上飛機,這些技術將改變世界各地的主要城市和發展中國家。 我們正在創建一個新的行業和需求,同時以UNSDG作為我們決策過程的核心來建立可持續發展的,具有彈性的業務。

鑑於悉尼水上飛機的專業知識和創造和提供世界一流的水上飛機旅遊和運輸服務的經驗,水上飛機(香港)航空已與悉尼水上飛機公司建立了戰略合作關係。 該合作協議是由雙方管理人員簽署,標誌著兩家公司之間戰略合作的正式開始以及水上飛機(香港)航空的進一步擴展。

根據雙方的合作協議,悉尼水上飛機公司將向水上飛機(香港)航空提供諮詢服務和協助,以幫助本公司在東南亞建立水上飛機業務。 憑藉悉尼水上飛機公司的專業知識和經驗,水上飛機(香港)航空將能夠從一開始就在香港、大灣區和東南亞提供可靠和優質的服務。

鑑於水上飛機(香港)航空在各個地區引入了水上飛機運營,本公司和悉尼水上飛機打算共同建立一個全球水上飛機聯盟,以促進全球水上飛機運營商之間更強有力的合作和共同行動。 為了提高彼此的銷售業績,聯盟同意參與聯合營銷和其他市場計劃,以促進彼此的業務,以擴大用戶覆蓋範圍並提高市場滲透率。

水上飛機(香港)航空的首席執行官STEVEN CHEUNG對兩間公司之間的戰略合作感到非常興奮和懷抱希望:“ 悉尼水上飛機公司是業內最負盛名和最著名的水上飛機運營商之一。 我們的戰略合作將是我公司的寶貴補充。 憑藉悉尼水上飛機公司的專業知識和洞察力,我們相信,水上飛機(香港)航空可以快速復制運營模式,即使在那些尚無現有市場的地方(例如香港和大灣區)也可以成功建立水上飛機公司 。 此外,全球水上飛機聯盟的形成對於航空業將是一個重要的里程碑。 全球運營商將擁有一個提供互助的平台,我們可能會制定最終使消費者受益的行業標準。 我們為在通用航空行業的整體發展中發揮作用感到非常興奮和榮幸。”

悉尼水上飛機公司的董事總經理Aaron Shaw補充說,非常榮幸與Seaplane Hong Kong建立合作夥伴關係與合作。 “中國市場潛力巨大。我們很高興為水上飛機(香港)航空在東南亞的快速擴張計劃提供協助。我們希望通過向我們的合作夥伴提供同樣出色的飛行體驗,擴展和分享悉尼水上飛機行業領先的服務和設施到整個亞洲。”

我們也很高興Steven分享我們對開發和實施新技術的熱情和承諾,例如將電動發動機引入我們的飛機。 並將完全致力於在各自的市場中提供零排放航空服務服務。”連接城市中心的服務是我們共同的願景

作為擁有全球第一條載客無人機和香港現代第一架水上飛機的航空公司,水上飛機(香港)航空致力於為全球和大灣區日益增長的乘客提供獨特的飛行體驗。 其獨特的飛機類型和設施彰顯了水上飛機(香港)航空重新定義旅行體驗並專注於創新的不懈追求。



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